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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hello every one I am back in Chicago and ready to get back to work in the studio. The exhibits went very Santa Fe was incredible I met a lot of great people I do want to thank the NMOMA and our good friend Betty for their generous support in making it possible and of course I really appreciate Mariposa Atomica for all her help.

The exhibit at Owings-Dewey was very well attended the gallery was alive with creativity I knew the gallery was well known but I wasn't aware how prestigious a place it is well thanks to Kelly
Lyon for including me in the exhibit.

I also had a chance to visit a friend in Las Cruces, NM Carlos Estrado-Vega who is an excellent artist and a very centered person. I am probably going to spend some time with him during the winter to push my work to another level so will have a lot on my plate the next couple of years.

The Dia de Los Muertos exhibit for the Latino Arts inc. at the UCC in Milwaukee was even more fun this year Pando joined me and even though we were late to the opening people we knew were there expecting us and it was great to be able to say I am having a solo exhibit at the center.

Well I'm sure I'll have more to write about these experiences later but for now I am going to turn
my attention to "The Amazing Race" so enjoy some pic's.


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