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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The day has come - Change has come and you can smell and feel it in the air its.... change its here so lets understand that it means that we all will have a part in this "change" lets take this opportunity to move forward.

I hope the best for all of I watch a woman on TV hold up a sign that reads "the future is watching" good luck to everyone!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well besides eating very well on our recent adventure to Mexico (I swear every ten feet there is a vendor selling something thats incredibly delicious) as we went to eat at VIPS. So of the course the dilemma is how much can you pass by with out finally breaking down at the elote stand. I actually did very well I only ate a few these street delicacies along with the usual meals.

And of course the food for thought with all the incredible sights and history of Mexico it always puts me in a mediative mood and I seem to absorb an enormous amount of energy when I see so many different cultures wrapped into one big ball of ... well if your not familiar with the culture its seems like its chaos almost in a state of panic sealed with a smile. All the vendors- where are the buyers? But the vendors all have the same demeanor as if to say even if you don't buy from me I still win because look around you I get to live here and you well you'll go back to where ever your from and all your going to have is the memory of visiting this place.

Yeah thats the the way it is, here I am again back in the cold, gray emptiness that is our great city. And all that meditation all the images of raices, templos and the chaos well that will live
on in mind and of course in the work I will produce.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A sign from the gods!

LinkWow ! I hope every had a great 2008 and I wish all a very productive 2009. Now with that said let me tell you our trip to Mexico this year was very eventful the kids are growing to be very beautiful upstanding citizens and the climb up the tepoztlan was very challenging and meditative.

That was the great part and here is the incredible part at the very point of me thinking that it was about time that we just moved to Mexico and away from the absurdity we call the "american" way of life there was an announcement from the captain of the plane saying there was smoke in the cabin of the plane and that we are turning back to make an emergency landing and that of course all will be fine. I don't know about every one else but when you are in an airplane and you see smoke all around you then you feel the sharp left hand turn my mind did not go to "every thing will be fine"
a lot of other things went through my mind at that point of which I will elaborate at a later time.

So that was the situation and now I am sitting at my computer giving you all grief about American Airline Flight 1110 from Mexico city to Dallas and thats the end of that now I will go about creating all the possibilities that I thought about when I heard that announcement.
Much more to come about our great trip but know its off to the studio.