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Monday, January 31, 2011

The calm before the storm.

Here it is - my second blog of the year and it's going to be a quick one. I have been swamped with work with the restoration project and my Painting workshops I am teaching but I was able to finally finish a portrait I have been working on for about a year and I have found some time to continue my work on the "Filtered" series.

The portrait is a piece I started a few years ago but I always felt that it lacked something I just wasn't sure what it was. But after starting the pixel pieces it hit me "that's where it needed to go" I remember thinking and after that it just took off. Working on this portrait actually inspired to start another piece that is in process now, which is taking it's own form and that's what I really love about the creative process, it takes me to so many different places and now I am finding it a bit easier to follow where ever it may take me. it may seem at times that a lot of my work doesn't relate to each other but I know when I look at these works that they all have a connection.

Okay so now I'm going to finish up in my studio and wait for the snowstorm also coming soon look for exclusive interviews from my fellow citizens on the Arts and Culture and how they relate to them.

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